(6) Edit Dialogue

Things you should know

  • How to edit messages

  • ‌How to edit menu

Main Points

  • Purpose: provide the content for bot to respond.

  • Editing message: Edit the content for the bot to respond.

  • Editing Menu: Menu is a list of buttons set under the message dialogue.

‌Editing Messages

  1. On the left panel, click on My Bot > Dialogue

  2. Press + Message Group and rename.

  3. Press + to add a new message and name it.

  4. You can customize the message by using different kinds of elements. ‌

‌Default Message Group

  1. On the left panel, select My Bot > Dialogue

  2. There are two default messages Welcome Message , Default Reply

  3. You can edit the content of the messages as you want.

Editing Menu

  1. On the left panel, click on My Bot > Menu

  2. There are two built-in functions Greeting Text and Persistent Menu

  3. You can also edit them as you prefer.

Last updated