Publishing Tool: Create posts with auto tag and reply

Seeker Post Event can automatically label fans by the chatbot to help you manage customer relationship.

Seeker Publishing Tool provides services as below:

  1. Scheduled and draft posts management

  2. Save your creative ideas anytime

  3. Support tracking URL and emoji while editing posts

  4. Post Goal and Category

  5. Auto tag fans while taking reactions or leaving comments

  6. Campaign and retargeting function - Auto-reply and message

Scheduled and draft posts management

Seeker lists your scheduled posts and draft posts separated for better to-do list management.

Save your creative ideas anytime

Seeker will automatically save your edited content to make sure you can find recently recorded ideas anytime with drafts.

Support tracking URL and emoji while editing posts

We gathered features all marketers needed while posting content: Upload picture and video,Tracking URLs and emojis. You can now save time from switching windows to get the shortened link and emojis.

Note: Videos and pictures cannot be uploaded to the same post at the same time, and Seeker's preview screen is for reference only, see the final version as exhibited on Facebook.

Post Goal and Category

Selecting post Goals and Categories when creating a post can evaluate the performance of your posts more effectively.

Then you can calculate the individual post performances to see whether it has achieved the Goals or not.

Once you selected a Goal, Seeker post report will tell you whether the post has achieved the goal.

You can filter the posts by Category to calculate the average performance, or to compare which posts performed better in a Category.

Auto tag fans when they react to the post or leave comments on it

For example, if you want to record fans interaction of different posts about products or contents, you can enable auto tag & reply while posting or after posting the content:

  1. Label fans who take reaction to the post with “Saw Promotion” tag.

  2. Label fans who leave comments to the post with “willing to buy” tag.

How to:

  1. Click “+ Create Post” or choose the post in “Post Performance”, and click “Edit auto-tag & reply”.

  2. Add tag “interested in promo.” in “Reaction Tag settings”.

  1. Add tag “willing to buy” in the “When the comment does not match” of “Reply settings”.

Campaign and retargeting function - Auto reply and message

Auto-message fans privately to the comment when it matches the keyword “price”.

How to:

  1. Click “+ Create Post” or choose the post in “Post Performance”, and click “Edit auto-tag & reply”.

  2. Add a new reply rule in “Reply settings”, set keywords such as “price”, “$”, “how much”, and then enter product info. or website link in “Reply”.

After editing, you must enable auto tag & reply to apply the chatbot. You can also check tagging and replying performance in the post report.

Too late to set post category & auto-reply since the post has been published a long time ago?

You can set Categories in Post Report after you published the posts.

  1. After adding a new Category in the filter, you can click the Category in "My Posts" to update it.

  2. Click to enter the post report, then you can update the Category in the upper left corner.

  3. Click "Edit Auto Tag & Reply" in the upper right corner of a post report, you can also update the Category in the pop-up modal while setting auto tag & reply.

You can tag fans manually later in the post report.

How to:

  1. Click the post in “Post Performance”, scroll down to the bottom and click on “Engaged Fans List”.

  2. Choose a tab “Reaction” or “Comment”.

  3. Choose all of the fans who take reaction to the post, and click “update tag” to label them manually.

After updating the tags, you will see the tag report in the post report too.

Last updated